Cash Rewards (“reward”) qualifications or limitations include the following. You must use an assigned HomeAdvantage network agent to buy or sell a property. Completing the transaction with the HomeAdvantage partner is not a requirement. When selling, a reward will be applied as a commission reduction reflected in the listing agreement. When buying, reward may be limited by lender underwriting guidelines and/or prohibited by state law where the transaction is completed as follows: No reward will be available for buyers in MS. Cash Rewards may be in the form of a closing cost credit disclosed on the Closing Disclosure or a reduced real estate commission with the following exceptions. Lender or partner may require sending reward after closing. AK, AL, IA, LA, MO, OK, and OR require HomeAdvantage to issue the reward after closing. In KS and TN, a gift card will be provided for closings and KS limits reward to $1,000. Rewards not issued at closing will be sent within 60 days of HomeAdvantage receiving settlement statement and funds.
See full terms in our Terms of Use under section "Use of Program". All terms subject to change with notice.